Old Lavaca County Jail


Personal Experience - Two different investigators heard walking around the up stairs cell at different times during the night. An SLS video was posted to our Instagram page of something around the same location.


Personal Experience - One of our investigator's was in the new cells outside the main building. While on the men's side of the jail he heard a faint scream or whistle coming from what seemed like the female side of the jail. He went around to that side to see if he could find what made the sound, but found nothing. He then went outside to check with some other team member to see if they heard anything which they did not. After reviewing evidence the sound was captured on the camera's microphone. This will be uploaded to Instagram and Facebook soon. It is very faint, so the best way to hear it will be with headphones. Also a different EVP recorder picked up a similar sound it a different part of the jail. This has already been uploaded.